Our First Birthday Weekend!

Our First Birthday Weekend! Happy Birthday to us! December 2 is our first birthday and to celebrate we’re having one long happy hour for the entire weekend! Starting from midday Friday through to Sunday evening, all pints will be at schooner prices on all 10...

Spring Sounds Fundraiser Tonight!

Spring Sounds Fundraiser Tonight! We’re hosting SPRING SOUNDS tonight from 8PM at The Beer Garden! The $20 entry fee goes to the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia, a service that’s helped many of us out when we’ve needed it… Come along...

Introducing Friday Pie Day!

Introducing Friday Pie Day! Introducing our inaugural Friday Pie Day! We’ve created a delicious house-made pie featuring our Captain Porter beer and low ‘n slow-smoked spent-grain fed beef. Our Friday special includes a pie and any pint for $19, available...
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